Register to ASSIST Fun Event on 9th September : Ackergolf what ??

ASSIST would like to invite you to an exceptional fun event in the “Friedrichsau” Ulm. later we will relax in a “Biergarten”.
We don’t need balls, we don’t need clubs, we just need rubber mallets!
The movement is like bocce (old men on the village square) or like throwing stones
(so rascals on the sports field) and we can play it everywhere, where there is enough free space.

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Excursion to Salem “Affenberg” & Unteruhldingen “Pfahlbauten” on 27th Mai 2023

Saturday the 27th of May 2023, 20 students from 14 countries were ready for a beautiful day at Lake Constance with the stations Salem-Affenberg and Pfahlbauten in Unteruhldingen. The weather was excellent and everyone was in a good mood. Unfortunately the Bundesbahn had something in store for us, the train was cancelled, so we had to reschedule the day. But this was no reason to lose our good mood.

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