Blog: ASSIST is not just excursions! 

In addition to our activities on excursions and events, ASSIST also offers support in learning German in tandems.
This is not German lessons in the classical format but is based on personal exchange of topics determined by the learner. 
The focus is on the ability to hear, understand, interpret and use language in response.
Therefore, we focus on communication in German, the existing gaps are supplemented with English and also with the explanation in German.
This is intended to overcome barriers to speak in German.

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Blog: ASSIST Event “Superknall” on 25th Mai 2024

ASSIST and Leo Leutze offered on 25th Mai 2024 the opportunity to participate in the design of a board game including the rule set.
Three Student and two Assist SCs participated.

Leo is a former Physics Teacher and has already, during his active time, developed games to support the lessons. He is known to the ASSIST community as he did organize the Event “Ackergolf” last year. The new Game Leo has designed is called:„SUPERKNALL“ (super bang) What is that?

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Blog: ASSIST Excursion to Blaubeuren & Schelklingen ( cave “Hohler Fels”) on 4th Mai 2024

In perfect hiking weather, we set off from Schelklingen railroad station through the May-green Achtal valley to Hohle Fels. This huge cave was the site where the so-called “Venus of Hohle Fels” was found in 2008. The figure, carved from mammoth ivory, is 40,000 years old and the oldest depiction of a human found anywhere in the world.

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Blog: ASSIST Excursion to Ravensburg on Saturday, 20th April 2024.

Ravensburg, the picturesque town in the heart of southern Germany, is a gem to be discovered. With its charming medieval old town, lively cultural scene and picturesque surroundings, Ravensburg offers a delightful mix of history, art and nature. ASSIST visited this fascinating destination on 20 April with a small group of international students from 5 different countries, accompanied by ASSIST advisors.

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Dear ASSIST community, welcome in the year 2024

A blank slate lies ahead of us, full of possibilities, adventures and opportunities. Together, let’s fill the pages of this fresh year with optimism and determination. May 2024 be a year full of success, happiness and fulfilling moments for you. Seize opportunities, overcome challenges and create beautiful memories. Here’s to a year full of growth, love and contentment! Cheers to a fantastic 2024! 🎉

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