Next coming: ASSIST Excursion to Königsbronn on 27th July 2024

ASSIST day trip to Königsbronn on 27th July 2024. ENJOY hiking by a lake and up to the viewpoint Herwartstein. DISCOVER a picturesque town hall, a historical flame oven and a tiny brebrewery with a nice beer garden. MEET fiends and students from all over the the world.
Königsbronn, an small industrial village on the edge of the Swabian Alb. It is considered the oldest industrial site in Germany; iron ore was smelted here as early as 800 years ago. Königsbronn is also the home of Georg Elser, the resistance fighter under National Socialism who almost changed the course of history in World War II. You will hear about Elser’s life and work. The Brenztopf lies in the middle of Königsbronn and you will hike to Rock Herwartstein.

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