Blog: Zwiefalten and the water cave “Wimsen” on 6th July 2024

ASSIST excursion to Zwiefalten and the Wimsen Cave on 6.7.24

Despite the bright sunshine, there was an immediate disappointment: the train in Ulm left late, which meant we didn’t catch the scheduled bus in Riedlingen and arrived in Zwiefalten later than planned. But that didn’t dampen our spirits. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful landscape along the Zwiefaltener Ach. After a good hour, we reached the Wimsen Cave on the varied path. The weather was beautiful and the cave was a hive of activity. We had time for a snack before entering the cave. Then we took the boat into the cool darkness. Due to the high water in the cave, we had to keep our heads down to avoid bumping into the rocks. The clear, cold water allowed us to see right down to the bottom of the cave in many places.
Back outside, we hiked back to Zwiefalten Minster. The magnificent baroque architecture left a lasting impression on everyone. We then had time for a coffee break before heading home. In the meantime, the sky had darkened. We were on the bus just in time for it to start raining. We got off the train in Ulm, a little tired but full of the beautiful day.

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