Excursion to Mercedes Benz Museum and Chrismas and Medieval Market on 26th November 2022
On Saturday 26th November a group of 26 students, Senior Consultants and a “Filmteam” started the excursion to the MB Museum in Untertürkheim. The “Filmteam”, three Students of the HNU, accompanied the group to film the excursion itself and to do intervies with the students in respect to ASSIST for a promotion video. The Museum provided to the students an overview of the car development from 1876 to today for car`s, busses and trucks. In addition the museum provided special information of the related history allong the timeline.
In the afternoon the group visited the “Christmas Market Esslingen” which included an “Medieval Market”. This completed a long day, exciting and overwhelming.
As the nummber of applications to this excursion exceeded all expectation, the Assist Team decided to repeat the excursion on the 3rd of December.