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Saturday, January 21st – Excursion to Obersdorf, Walk through “Breitachklamm”
Responsible: Eberhard Theile Details of programm (invitation letter): 2017-01-21_Breitachklamm_Inv |
Saturday, March 3rd – Excursion to Neuschwanstein
Responsible: Walter Knaus Details of programm (invitation letter): 2017-03-11_Neuschwanstein-inv |
Saturday, April 8th –
Excursion to Rothenburg and other places along Germany’s “romantic road”
Responsible: Walter Knauss Details of programm: Invitation_2017-04-08_Rothenburg Pictures, taken at the excursion |
Saturday, May 6th – Excursion to Bad Urach
Responsible: Erla Spatz Details of programm: 2017_05_06_Urach_invitation Link to Bad Urach Pictures, taken at the excursion |
Saturday, June 17th – Excursion to the Cave of Wimsen
Responsible: Erla Spatz Details of programm: 2017-06-17_Wimsen_invitation Pictures, taken at the excursion |
Saturday, October 7th – Excursion to Blaubeuren
Responsible: Erla Spatz Details of programm: 2017-10-07_Blaubeuren_invitation Pictures, taken at the excursion |
Saturday, October 28th, – Excursion to the historical town of Nördlingen
We visited the historical town of Nördlingen, and had a conducted tour through the town and in the famous “Rieskrater Museum“.
Responsible: Ulrich Petri |
Saturday, November 18th, – Excursion to the historical town of Ravensburg and the Dornier-Museum
We visited the historical town of Ravensburg, and had a conducted tour through the town. Afterwards we traveled to Friedrichshafen and visited the “Dornier-Museum“. Responsible: Ulrich Petri Details of program: 2017-11-18_Ravensburg_invPictures, taken at the excursion |
Wednesday, December 6th – Christmas-Party
As every year, we organized a Christmas-Party. We celebrated an authentic German Advent, with Glühwein, food, pastries and drinks, reading Christmas stories, singing some Christmas songs and talking about Christmas celebrations in different countries. Details of program: 2017-12-06_x.mas_inv Pictures taken during the event |