Excursion to Blaubeuren-Schelklingen on 6th Mai 2023
We spent an eventful day with a small group of the students .The guided tour in the „Urmu“ museum was very informative. Everyone listened attentively and learned many new things about the time 40000 years ago. There was also enough time to visit the Blautopf, where two divers were just preparing for a dive and then disappeared into the depths of the spring pot.
We then took the train to Schelklingen and hiked to the “Hohle Fels”. With the beautiful weather, everyone enjoyed the fresh green scenery. Everyone was very impressed by the inside of the big cave and its history of origin. At the end they were allowed to try out a buzz wood. It was not so easy to elicit sounds from this instrument. After another walk in the Achtal, we took the train back to Ulm.
Everybody had fun and because of the small number of participants we got to talk to everybody.