Excursion to the Ski Flying Hill in Oberstdorf
Visiting the Alps and Oberstdorf was often suggested and requested by students and thus the ASSIST team chose this destination for the second excursion of this year .
Students from different countries, like India, Malaysia, USA, Lithuania, Egypt and two Senior Consultants We took the train to Obersdorf and from there the bus brought us to the Ski Flying Hill, where we were welcomed by a guide
He explained to us the function, the counting of the flying points during a competition and the history of the SKI Flying Hill, which was build in 1950 .
Two fast small elevators took us to the top 72m, high. In former times the athletics has to climbed up with their ski. But nowadays they could use the elevators. We had a great view from the platform on the top. We gained the impression how deep and steep the jumpers has to go.
After a picnic, we walked back to Oberstdorf.
We enjoyed the sunny day, the snow-covered mountains, the blue sky and the fact, that we have been on the top of one of the highest Ski Flying Hill of the world.
Pictures taken during the excursion: