Assist Mission Statement

Experienced adults – SeniorConsultants – support international students of the University of Ulm during their stay in Germany.

The aim is to establishe intercultural and intergenerational bridges. Practically this is achieved by an exchange of experiences
and cultural aspects between the Students themself and the Senior Consultants.
Numerous excursions, German language conversation and various events support our aims.
The format is based on personal contacts individually and in groups.

How can I participate in the activities of ASSIST?

In order to become a member of the ASSIST community please contact the ASSIST coordinator 
 assist(at) for registration.
You will be entered in a mailing list. In case of needing individual support contact the ASSIST coordinator too.
We will use your e-mail data only for the ASSIST activities.
For each ASSIST activity detailed invitation-letters will be sent to the ASSIST community,
using the mailing list and in most cases a binding registration is necessary.
You find the Senior Consultants under “TEAM”.

Follow us in Instagram “assistulm”

Upcoming Events